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Spire.PDF for Silverlight         PDF應用工具

Spire.PDF 用於 Silverlight是一個 PDF 元件,使使用者能夠開發 Silverlight 的應用程式。同為 Silverlight 的 Spire.PDF,使用者可以讀、 寫和操縱未經 Adobe Acrobat 的 PDF 文檔。作為一個強大的 Silverlight PDF 元件,它提供了大量的特色功能。Spire.PDF 用於 Silverlight 支援標準的 PDF / A-1b、 PDF/X1a 和甚至加密的 PDF 文檔。

使用者可以使用 Spire.PDF 的 Silverlight 做大多數 PDF 文檔操作 (如合併 PDF 文檔。

此外,此 Silverlight PDF 元件可以説明設置 PDF 文件屬性。Spire.PDF 用於 Silverlight 是一個獨立的 Silverlight 元件。它是獨立,不需要任何其他協力廠商軟體/庫安裝在系統上。


Spire.PDF for Silverlight is a PDF component that enables users to develop applications in Silverlight. With Spire.PDF for Silverlight, users can read, write and manipulate PDF documents without Adobe Acrobat. As a powerful Silverlight PDF component, it provides lots of featured functions. Spire.PDF for Silverlight supports standard PDF/ A-1b, PDF/X1a and even encrypted PDF documents.

Users can use Spire.PDF for Silverlight to do most PDF document operations like merge PDF documents.

Furthermore, this Silverlight PDF component can help setting PDF document properties. Spire.PDF for Silverlight is a standalone Silverlight component. It is independently and doesn’t need any other 3rd party software/library installed on system.

Rich Features
Spire.Pdf supports features such as:
Supports embedding fonts, true type fonts and CJK fonts
Draw shapes such as rectangles, circles, arcs, ellipses and fill them with custom brushes
Load Images to PDF documents from streams and files on disk. It can draw both scalar and vector images in the documents. Mask Images and Watermarks can also be drawn in the pages
Datatable can be imported into the PDF files. Rows and columns can be formatted. You can also insert graphic elements inside the table
Auto Page Breaks for large tables can be enabled in the PDF documents
Drawing Form Fields like buttons, text boxes, list boxes, check boxes, and so on, into the PDF document
Drawing Header and Footer in a PDF document
Read existing PDF forms and filling the form
HTML web page pagination is available to render large web pages into PDF without any text truncation at page breaks. Also, you can render the web pages as streams to create PDF without any intermediate files on disk
Feature Details



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