

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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DataParts for SharePoint / VTC for SharePoint 

DataParts for SharePoint

* 一套新的 SharePoint 的易於使用的資料視覺化和分析工具

   DataParts 包括一套完整的構建基塊,使您能夠快速開發和維護與 SharePoint 儀錶板,
   包括動態、 互動式資料視覺化和分析功能,例如,深入,篩選器,並排序通過已準
   備好要使用 Web 部件,包括但不是限於圖表、壓力錶、地圖、卡查看清單、分層清

* 讓您的資料有意義

    DataParts 可以繪製資訊來自多個資料來源和格式,合併成一個單一的 SharePoint 門戶
DataParts 提供了簡單的方法,使用者可以創建篩選器和資料視覺化方案
    的複雜查詢提供特定視圖的資料,使任何的 SharePoint 使用者制定個性化的基於角色
    的儀錶,以滿足個別的、 具體的決策需要。

* Web 應用程式部署管理器

    這個新工具簡化了您所選擇的 web 應用程式的部署過程。它還涉及一些以前的安裝
    在此版本中,使用者指南,以及 DataParts 的程式功能表中的快捷方式。

VTC for SharePoint

* 易於安裝和與您的使用者分享

* 高度集成您的 SharePoint 環境。

* 不同的分類模式,幫您找到您所需要的東西。
    The VTC for SharePoint 2007 獨特的分類模式允許您快速找到所需不浪費您的時間搜索

* 最高品質的視頻製作。
   The VTC for SharePoint 2007 視頻模組已創建的生產品質的最高標準。

* 模組化升級和其他內容。
   The VTC for SharePoint 2007 年設計一種未來的內容可以方便地添加您的解決方案,而

DataParts for SharePoint

* A new set of easy to use data visualization and
   analysis tools for SharePoint

    DataParts includes a full set of building blocks that enable you to quickly    
    develop and maintain dashboards with SharePoint that include dynamic,
    interactive data visualization and analysis capabilities, such as drill-down,
    filter, and sort through ready-to-use Web Parts including, but not limited to
    charts, gauges, maps, card view lists, hierarchical lists, columnar lists, and
    much more.

* Make sense of your data

    DataParts can draw information from multiple data sources and formats, 
    combining complex information into a single SharePoint portal. DataParts
    provide a simple way for users to create complex query filters and data
    visualization scenarios to deliver specific views of data, enabling any
    SharePoint user to develop personalized role-based dashboards that meet
    individual, specific decision-making needs.

* Web Application Deployment Manager

    This new tool simplifies the deployment process to the web application of
    your choice. It also addresses some previous installation and integration
    issues that a small number of customers experienced during installation.
    Additionally, an installation Troubleshooting document is included as part
    of  this release, in the User's Guide as well as a shortcut in the DataParts
    programs menu.

VTC for SharePoint

* Easy to Install and share with your SharePoint users.

* Highly integrated with your SharePoint environment.

* Different Categorization modes to help you find what 

   you need.
    The VTC for SharePoint 2007 unique categorization modes allows you to  
    quickly find the content you need without wasting your time searching
    through unrelated videos. Videos are organized by different categories
    through which you can browse to quickly find the answers you need.

* Highest Quality Video Production.

    The VTC for SharePoint 2007 video modules have been created with the
    highest standards in production quality.

* Modular upgrades and additional content.

       The VTC for SharePoint 2007 is designed in such a way that future content
       can be easily added to your solution, without the need to replace or fully
       reinstall your solution every time new content becomes available.




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