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EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

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 SQLyog       MySQL資料庫管理工具


SQLyog 10.5

New major feature: "Visual Data Compare" (in short 'VDC'). It is a third option for Data Sync in addition to the two already existing ('one-way synchronization' and 'two-way synchronization'). A VDC-job is started from a modified version of the Data Sync wizard (from the 'powertools' menu). With VDC you will be able to compare differences visually and specify tables and rows that shall be sync'ed as well as to decide in what direction to sync. A SQL preview is available. VDC is an ULTIMATE feature.
Explain and Explain Extended for queries can now be executed from Query Editor context menu. Also this is an ULTIMATE feature.
  Query Profiler now supports Explain for Insert, Update and Delete statements if server supports. MySQL servers from 5.6.3 servers do.
  Copy DB and Backup as SQL Dump will now respect the defined Object Browser filter if any.


SQLyog provides you with powerful means to manage your MySQL databases.

Runs on all Windows version from Win XP to Win7. Runs on Linux with WINE.
MySQL 5.x compatible
Create/Drop/Alter Tables, Stored Procedures, Functions, Views, Triggers and Events.
HTTP and SSH Tunneling - smartly manage your MySQL server even if the MySQL port is blocked or remote access to MySQL is disallowed!
Protect your data with SSL encryption.
Smart AutoComplete.
Formats SQL statements.
Proactive Query Profiler.
Favorite Manager to neatly organize your favorite SQL statements.
Very fast retrieval of data.
Advanced GUI Query Builder. Supports JOINs, aggregate as well as 'common' functions, sorting (ORDER BY) and filtering (WHERE and HAVING) and ALIAS.
SQLyog Import External Data wizard - use the GUI or specify a query.
Schema and Data synchronization tools.
Powerful compressed Scheduled Backup with email notification.
Schedule various jobs.
SQL Scheduler and Reporting Tool - execute unattended queries for database maintainence of data verification with flexible email option.
Update result returned from query - also supports queries with JOINs. No dialogues - just edit!
Manage foreign key relationships.
Fully InnoDB compliant.
Supports MySQL pluggable storage engines architecture.
Multi-threaded query execution with option to allow multiple query execution simultaneously.
View your results in GRID/TEXT mode.
Filter data and resultsets directly form the context menu of a displayed value.
Execute (very large) SQL-scripts as batch files.
Execute multiple queries returning more than 1000s of rows per resultset. Its very efficient in memory.
Very compact binary.
Written entirely in C/C++/Win32 APIs using native MySQL C APIs. No wrapper classes used.
Connection manager.
Tabbed interface to create/alter tables.
View and edit advanced table-properties, such as Comment, Key_Length etc.
Do table-diagnostics (check, optimize, repair, analyze)
Duplicate tables to new table-names.
Excel like grid interface to edit data with support for Enum/Set.
and a lot more...

Compare features

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