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Risk Solver Pro   風險求解軟體

Risk Solver Pro是最簡單,最快,最有力的工具,你可以買到您的Excel模型的風險分析,採用蒙特卡羅模擬。專為多核心電腦,它是一個真正的“工業強度”的風險分析工具,與45分析和自定義的概率分佈,30統計和風險的措施,排名順序相關,分佈擬合,多個隨機數發生器和採樣方法方差減少,和強大的功能,為多個參數化模擬。它使用Frontline的PSI技術,實現了突破性的仿真速度-高達100倍的速度比正常的基於Excel的蒙特卡羅模擬。它的圖形,幫助您評估的不確定性,包括頻率圖表,靈敏度(“龍捲風”)圖,散點圖,疊加,趨勢,及箱須圖,在兩個或三個維度。決策樹能力做出複雜的決策視覺清晰,同時支持模擬和決策方案的敏感性分析。

Risk Solver Pro is the easiest, fastest, and most powerful tool you can buy for risk analysis of your Excel models, using Monte Carlo simulation. Designed for multi-core PCs, it's a true "industrial strength" risk analysis tool, with 45 analytic and custom probability distributions, 30 statistics and risk measures, rank order correlation, distribution fitting, multiple random number generators and sampling methods with variance reduction, and powerful capabilities for multiple parameterized simulations. It uses Frontline’s PSI technology to achieve breakthrough simulation speeds – up to 100 times faster than normal Excel-based Monte Carlo simulation. Its graphics help you assess uncertainty, including frequency charts, sensitivity (“tornado”) charts, scatter plots, and overlay, trend, and Box-Whisker charts, in two or three dimensions. And its decision tree capabilities make complex decisions visually clear, while enabling simulation and sensitivity analysis of decision alternatives.

What's Included.

Risk Solver Pro supports Excel 2013 and Excel 2010 (32-bit and 64-bit), Excel 2007, and Excel 2003 on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server. It comes with a comprehensive User Guide, Reference Guide, QuickStart Guide, many example models, and extensive online Help.

Annual Support.

Annual Support for Risk Solver Pro is required for the first year, and at all times in order to obtain software upgrades and technical support beyond basic installation assistance. Annual Support includes:
A limited warranty for the functionality and performance of the software product
All software upgrades for the product released during the contract term
Ability to trade in this product for an even more powerful Excel Solver product
Technical support by phone and email during normal business hours
Up to 15 minutes of consulting assistance arising during the contract term


Premium Solver Platform

Risk Solver Platform

Solver SDK Platform

Premium Solver Pro

Risk Solver Pro

Solver SDK Pro


Analytic Solver Platform




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