

1. MindManager 視覺化思考繪圖軟體
2. EViews 預測分析計量軟體
3. LISREL 線性結構分析軟體


ATLAS.ti 定性量化分析軟體

EndNote 參考書目軟體


Stata 資料管理統計繪圖軟體

7. See5/C5.0  資料探勘軟體
8. HLM 階層分析軟體

Expert Choice  AHP專家決策分析軟體

10. Grapher 3D科學繪圖軟體



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Origin    工程及科學繪圖軟體


Origin是一個軟體應用程式進行資料分析和出版品質作圖、 適應的科學家和工程師的需要。應用程式提供初學者,便於使用的介面和批量加工和程式設計,高級使用者可自訂分析和使用主題、 範本、 自訂報告、 製圖任務的能力。

Origin is a software application for data analysis and publication-quality graphing, tailored to the needs of scientists and engineers. The application offers an easy-to-use interface for beginners, and the ability for advanced users to customize analysis and graphing tasks using themes, templates, custom reports, batch processing and programming.


Origin Interface
Origin provides an easy-to-use interface including a scientific multi-sheet workbook with support for up to 90 million rows and 65527 columns per sheet. The worksheet can be extensively customized to support metadata including Sparklines, and can also include floating or embedded graphs. Workbooks can be configured as Analysis Templates and Custom Reports for automating repetitive tasks.

Workbooks, graphs, notes and other windows can be arranged in a flexible, user-defined hierarchy of folders and sub-folders in the Origin Project File (OPJ). All components of the Origin Project can be interactively accessed when the project file is opened in Origin.

With over 100 built-in graph types, Origin makes it easy to create and customize publication quality graphs to suit your needs. Many popular contour, 2D, and 3D graph types are supported, as are specialty graphs such as windrose, stock (OHLC), ternary (including ternary-contour), 2D vector and 3D vector, and several statistical plots.

Data Analysis
Origin contains powerful tools for all of your analytic needs, including peak analysis, curve fitting, statistics, and signal processing. To make data analysis more efficient, Origin supports many common formats for importing data, and exporting results. Multi-sheet workbooks and an integrated Project Explorer help you organize your Origin projects. Streamline your workflow by saving workbooks as analysis templates for repeat use.

Origin includes two built-in programming languages: Origin C, a C-based compiled language, and a scripting language called LabTalk™. Use them to automate graphing and analysis. Origin comes with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Code Builder , that makes it easy to write and debug your own code. Origin is also an Automation Server for users of VB, C++, C# and LabVIEW™.






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