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Impact Explorer    決策分析軟體

Impact Explorer 可以用於簡單資料收集凡不顯示結果,或它可用於作為重點辯論和討論。在後者的模式中,可以確定出席者之間的分歧,然後討論他們能夠更好地瞭解情況。Impact Explorer 旨在作為靈活 — — 你可以使用它為即興的會議,或完全可以正式工作坊。它可以與其他工具無縫的操作,像 PowerPoint ® 和決定 Explorer ® 集成,並可以使用來自各種源 (包括磁片和剪貼簿中的資料。當便利工作坊 — — 不會方式您不需要記住要保存的結果,因為它是為您自動。在講習班結束時,您可以生成一個報告的結果使用 Microsoft ® Word 或 Excel 中,您節省時間再次鍵入中的資料。


Rapidly evaluate ideas and issues in business meetings and focus groups.

Opinions are important, and gathering and taking note of opinions rapidly is not always easy without a good tool to help. Impact Explorer allows you to gather a group of people, from 3 to 500 in size, and find out what they feel about a subject. Whether the group are experts in your organization, your customers, or a management team, you can rapidly put together a list of topics and use the various tools to find out valuable information.

Impact Explorer™ can be used for simple data gathering where the results are not displayed, or it can be used as a focus for debate and discussion. In the latter mode, you can identify disagreements amongst the participants, and then discuss them to gain a better understanding of the situation. Impact Explorer™ is designed to be flexible – you can use it for impromptu meetings, or for fully pre-prepared formal workshops. It can integrate with other tools like PowerPoint® and Decision Explorer® for seamless operation, and can use data from a variety of sources including disk and clipboard. It doesn’t get in the way when facilitating a workshop – you do not have to remember to save results because it does that for you automatically. At the end of the workshop, you can generate a report with the results using Microsoft® Word or Excel, saving you time typing the data in again.

The key voting software tools
Question and Answer
Q & A mode allows you to get feedback in a very flexible multiple-choice format. You specify the “question” and the response choices that users can select from. While a warm-up quiz is an obvious application, this is useful for gathering opinions such as which brand participants perceive as the market leader.
Matrix assessment
Matrix mode is used for two-dimensional assessments of elements. This is particularly useful when considering issues such as project risk/reward, cost/benefit, probability/impact, investment (of time, money, man-power, emotion etc.) / value added; stability / sensitivity.
Voting mode is used to obtain opinions using a range of values on a number of elements. For example, how much resource should be allocated to possible activities. You can use various scales, for example, 1 to 10, A to E, yes/ no.
Ranking mode is used to obtain first, second etc. preferences from a list of options. For example, the order in which possible activities should be done.

Further details of the tools in Impact Explorer™ can be found in the Impact Explorer User’s Manual.

Additional features
In addition to the main facilities, Impact Explorer™ packs in a number of facilities that make your life as a facilitator much easier. These keep with the theme of quick and impromptu capability while allowing for more formally structured workshops too. Details of the spell check, PowerPoint integration, Agenda facility, Word document building and demonstration mode are detailed here.

Editions available
Impact Explorer is now available in two different editions to help fit everyone’s budget.

The Standard edition provides:
Decision Explorer link
˙Export to Excel
˙Up to 25 items in each list
˙No break or statement agenda items

The Professional edition provides the above plus:
˙Demographics in graph displays
˙Matrix mode (2D risk assessment)
˙Break and statement agenda items
˙Up to 5000 items in each list
˙Agenda writer for producing printed agendas


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